9th Fraunhofer Symposium in Sendai
Am 31. Oktober 2013 findet das 9. Fraunhofer-Symposium in Sendai statt, welches Fraunhofer ENAS gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan und der Stadt Sendai organisiert.
2.00p.m. | Greeting/Welcome from Sendai City |
2.15p.m. | Cerebrating the fruitful collaboration between FhG and Tohoku University |
2.25p.m. | The role of micro and nano systems research in the context of strategic research focus of the Technische Universität Chemnitz |
2.40p.m. | Mathematical impact on smart designs of materials. activities at AIMR Prof. Motoko Kotani (Director of WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University) |
3.05p.m. | Smart Systems for resource efficient innovations |
3.35p.m. | break |
4.00p.m. | Advanced Systemintegration Technologies – Indispensable Precondition for High Performance Electronic Products |
4.30p.m. | New Concepts for the Design of Reliable Microelectronic Systems |
5.00p.m. | Piezoelectric Devices based on MEMS Technology |
5.30p.m. | Manufacturing of Microstructured and Functional Surfaces |
6.10p.m. | reception |