Smart systems are becoming more and more important in our daily life, e.g. in cars, efficient energy management, security applications, medical engineering, logistics and other applications.
The 10th Fraunhofer Symposium is held on Nov 26, 2014, and addresses especially smart systems for a secure world.
10:30 a.m. | welcome and introduction Prof. Thomas Gessner (Director Fraunhofer ENAS, Fraunhofer Project Center Sendai) |
09:40 a.m. | greetings Yukimoto Ito (Vice Mayor City of Sendai) Prof. Susumu Satomi (President Tohoku University) Prof. Motoko Kotani (Executive Member Science Counsel Japan; Director WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University) |
10:00 a.m. | Keynote: Prof. Thomas Gessner (Fraunhofer ENAS; Fraunhofer Project Center Sendai) Smart Monitoring Systems |
10:40 a.m. | Keynote: Prof. Masayoshi Esashi (Micro Integration Center, Tohoku University; Fraunhofer Project Center Sendai), |
11:20 a.m. | Dr. Marius Toader, Dr. Sascha Hermann, Jana Tittmann-Otto (cfaed, TU Chemnitz), Prof. Stefan Schulz (Fraunhofer ENAS) Integration of Carbon Nanotubes in CNT-FETs by using with Wafer Level Approaches for high frequency analog integrated circuit electronic applications |
11:50 a.m. | Dr. Maik Wiemer (Fraunhofer ENAS) Release of high thermal energy generated by integrated reactive multilayer systems |
12:20 p.m. | Prof. Masanori Muroyama (Micro Integration Center, Tohoku University) Microsystem Integration by MEMS and LSI Technologies for Smart and Secure Human Support Robots and Other Applications |
12:50 p.m. | lunch break |
14:00 p.m. | Keynote: Prof. Klaus-Dieter Lang (Fraunhofer IZM) Integration Technologies for Cyber Physical Systems – Challenges and Solutions |
14:40 p.m. | Keynote: Prof. Arnold van Zyl (President Technische Universität Chemnitz) The Innovation Eco System in Chemnitz - linking of education, research and industry |
15:20 p.m. | Prof. Shuji Tanaka (Micro/Nano Education Center, Tohoku University; Fraunhofer Project Center Sendai) Advanced Piezoelectric Thin Films and Devices |
15:50 p.m. | Andreas Ostmann (Fraunhofer IZM) Embedding Technology - Today‘s Status and Future Applications |
16:20 p.m. | Dr. Kathleen Heinrich (merge, Fraunhofer ENAS) Sensor integration for structural health monitoring in light weight structures |
16:50 p.m. | poster session |
18:00 p.m. | reception |
The Fraunhofer Symposium is held in cooperation with City of Sendai and Tohoku University.
It is supported by MEMS Industry group.
The Fraunhofer Symposium takes place:
Sendai Sunplaza Crystal Room