Preparation techniques for analytics
- Focused ion beam (FIB)
- Preparation for micrograph sections
- Sputtering: carbon, metals
Process-accompanying analytical methods
- Profilometry: tactile, optical (Datac, AFM, reflectometer, white light)
- XPS: surface, depth profile
- Wafer thickness
- Sheet resistance
- Wafer bow measurement
- Adhesion tests: 4 point bending
- Life time scanner
- Thermogavimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry
- (in situ) XPS spectroscopy
- (in situ) Raman spectroscopy
In situ plasma diagnostics for process optimization
- Optical emission spectroscopy
- Quadrupol mass spectrometry
- Quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy
- Langmuir probe
Optical inspection
- Spectroscopy: EDX, IR, FTIR, NIR, UV/Vis, fluorescence, Raman, spectral ellipsometry
- Microscopy: light, SEM, SEM/FIB, AFM, TEM, SAM, laser scanning, thermographic
- X-ray computer tomography
- White light interferometry
Bond quality evaluation
- Shear test
- Micro Chevron test (MCT)
- Bending test
- Tensile test
- Hermeticity
- MEMS structures and pressure gauge
- Helium leakage test
- FTIR spectroscopy
Material and deformation analysis
- Material composition: EDX, laser scanning, LSAW, IR
- Material characterization: Young’s modulus, Poissons’s ratio, thermal expansion coefficient (CTE)
- Elastic-plastic and creep characterization of bulk materials and thin films (-70 °C … 500 °C)
- Visco-elastic characterization – DMA, TMA, TGA: Master curve, shift functions (time, temperature, humidity)
- Determination of fracture mechanics parameters for critical and sub-critical crack growth (-40 °C … 200 °C)
- 3D in situ warpage, deformation and strain measurements of 1 x 1 mm² … 300 x 300 mm² objects by chromatic sensor, white light interferometry, confocal microscopy or gray scale image correlation (microDAC) in air, N2 or Ar between -80 °C and 400 °C with sub-micron resolution
- Micro and nano hardness and strength testing on films, MEMS structures and membranes
- fibDAC determination of the mechanical stresses in BEOL film stacks and MEMS structures with highest spatial resolution (down to 250 nm in-plane and 50 nm in depth)
- Electromagnetic material assessment
Electrical characterization
- Antenna measurement and characterization
- RF network and spectrum analysis
- EM near field characterization
- Wafer probe: current-voltage, capacity-voltage, biased temperature stress, TVS measurements, mercury probe
- Current-voltage
- Capacity-voltage
- Biased temperature stress
- TVS measurements
- Mercury probe