Fraunhofer ENAS – partner for innovations
The research and development portfolio of Fraunhofer ENAS is oriented along the whole value-added chain of smart systems starting from the idea, via design and technology development or realization based on established technologies up to tested prototypes as well as technology transfer. If standard components do not meet the requirements, Fraunhofer ENAS provides expert assistance in the realization of innovative and marketable solutions.
Interdisciplinary cooperation – key to success
Within the work area Smart Systems Integration Fraunhofer ENAS supports research and development work of SMEs and large enterprises. By integrating smart systems into diverse applications, Fraunhofer ENAS addresses a wide range of industries and markets. Contract research is the most frequently used way for Fraunhofer ENAS to collaborate with industrial customers. However, if the tasks are too complex and risky, we also offer preliminary research. In such cases, it is often expedient to solve the issues at hand by project teams from industry and research institutes, using public funding. The application-oriented research at Fraunhofer ENAS enables an effective support of innovations at small and medium-sized enterprises up to large, internationally established companies.
As a reliable partner for industry, Fraunhofer ENAS has established a strategic network with research institutes and universities in Germany and worldwide. Furthermore, Fraunhofer ENAS is an active member in various worldwide, European and regional networks.