Conferences and Workshops

The Fraunhofer ENAS takes actively part in the organization of national and international conferences and presents regularly the results of current research topics. The intensive knowledge exchange advances the close contact between research and industry. Here you can find conference dates, current paper topics of the Fraunhofer ENAS researchers or themes and central points former conferences.

Conferences und Symposia

The Smart Systems Integration Conference, chaired by Fraunhofer ENAS, takes place annually at changing industrial and research locations throughout Europe.

In addition, the institute plays a leading role in other international conferences and organizes innovation forums and symposia on topics related to micro- and nanotechnologies.

Chemnitzer Seminare - Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials and Nanoreliability

»Chemnitzer Seminare« are a series of specialist events at Fraunhofer ENAS. They are organized by the departments of the institute on selected topics. In the seminars, guest speakers from science and industry present current results from basic and applied research in addition to the Fraunhofer ENAS departments.


The Fraunhofer ENAS organizes alone or together with partners various workshops ranging from project workshops to topic and technology workshops to networking events. Current information on current workshop offers, programs and registration information can be found on the following pages.