Process, Device and Packaging Technologies

The business unit Process, Device and Packaging Technologies bundles all processes of clean room technologies (micro- and nanotechnologies) at Fraunhofer ENAS in close cooperation with the Center for Microtechnologies at the Chemnitz University of Technology. Thus, it comprises the individual processes and technologies as a basis for the development of electronic components, sensors and actuators, including their packaging (MEMS, wafer-level packaging and heterointegration of different components). This is complemented by the simulation of processes, equipment, materials and components of micro- and nanoelectronics.

The aim of research and development is in particular the implementation of new materials and functional principles on the micro- and nanoscale and the process technology required for this.
The business unit focuses on the following topics:

  • Modeling and simulation of technological processes and devices.
  • Micro- and nanotechnological processes
  • 3D / MEMS Packaging
  • MEMS technology platforms
  • Nanotechnology components and systems

We support development and optimisation of novel fabrication processes for semiconductor devices and nanotechnology by digital models. Based on digital simulation models we analyze processes from wafer level down to the small details of complex micro- and nanostructures. For the simulation of materials and devices we offer modern methods on all required lenth scales – from atoms to devices.


Technologies and Processes

Fraunhofer ENAS offers a broad portfolio of micro- and nanotechnological processes for research and development services in fabrication and integration of microelectronic, microoptical and micromechanical devices and systems on 150 mm and 200 mm substrates. A special feature is the wide range of usable functional materials and substrates.


3D/MEMS Packaging

Fraunhofer ENAS is one of the global leading institutes in the field of MEMS packaging on wafer and component level. The wafer level MEMS package must allow access to the desired media to be measured (e.g. liquids, gases or light), but at the same time shield unwanted external influences.


MEMS Technology Platforms

Our established technology platforms for capacitive and piezoelectric microsystems are used for the fabrication of demonstrators and prototypes up to small series and are constantly being further developed. Current application examples are precise and energy-efficient sensors for acceleration, vibration, yaw rate, fluid sensors, ultrasonic transducers and micro-optical components.


Nanotechnological Components and Systems

In the field of nanocomponents and systems, the focus is on technologies for the integration of functional nanostructures. Of particular interest are nanomaterials and spintronic devices. Besides the application for customer-specific problems, the integration into industrial production processes on wafer level is a main focus of the activities.