We live in a world where we can stay in touch with friends and family all across the globe no matter how far away they may be, can arrive safely at our destination with the help of intelligent driver assistance systems whenever we like and can get the answers to urgent questions in a matter of clicks. In fact, it is now virtually impossible to imagine anything else. Microchips are the key technology at the heart of virtually every technical device we encounter in our daily lives. Dozens, hundreds or even thousands of them are required to run our electronic world and make it “smart” – whether that be in our smartphones, cars, computers or by working together interactively.
Fast and dynamic: faced-paced development is a defining feature of the electronics industry
“Our high-tech electronic world would be inconceivable without microchips. Increasing customer requirements and global competitive pressure are necessitating ever shorter development and launch cycles for new products that offer greater efficiency along with innovative functions. However, each new product generation brings with it a rise in system complexity and calls for more powerful chips. In turn, this also increases susceptibility to errors. Even the tiniest quality issues or defects can quickly bring the systems to their knees. However, in the medical engineering or automotive industries, reliability is absolutely crucial. Users have to be confident that medical devices or control systems will function properly at all times. That is why testing and verification procedures are essential to ensure the highest quality and stability of semiconductor chips as the key components of new technologies,” explains Dr. Alexander Weiß, Head of the “Smart Systems” business unit at Fraunhofer ENAS, who is overseeing the scientific aspects of the ETRC’s development.
Highly stable semiconductors: high quality assured by a European competence center
The establishment of the ETRC is intended to address these competing priorities by ensuring that Chemnitz brings together the expertise of both science and industry in the testing and reliability assessment of semiconductors. “This combined approach will allow the intensive testing of chips, thereby ensuring from the get-go that they meet the highest standards of quality, are extremely long-lasting and offer maximum reliability throughout the entire product life cycle,” says the Fraunhofer scientist, summarizing the advantages.
Technological sovereignty: reducing dependence on global semiconductor supply chains
However, Alexander Weiß is convinced that the ETRC has even more to offer: “In Europe, we have always suffered from insufficient capacity in the testing and reliability assessment of semiconductor components. These verification activities at the module, component, chip or wafer level primarily take place in Asia. The ETRC marks the reversal of this trend. Key testing expertise is being concentrated in Chemnitz in the immediate vicinity of well-known semiconductor manufacturers based in the region. This means that, in the future, innovations produced in the Free State of Saxony will be able to undergo quality control right there and then – without having to take a detour of thousands of miles to the Far East.”
In this way, the ETRC is playing a major role in helping the economic and technological powerhouse that is Saxony to become a leading European flagship location for both semiconductor production and quality assurance. Firstly, this increases the technological sovereignty of Germany and Europe and, secondly, it reduces the impact of geopolitical developments on global semiconductor supply chains.
“One-stop shop”: holistic semiconductor testing
The ETRC will create a unique network of excellence in Chemnitz by bringing together Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz University of Technology, various companies based in Saxony and other international partners from science and industry. This will allow the ETRC to offer a comprehensive range of services.
“Our offering will be aimed at high-tech groups, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises specializing in semiconductor technology. As a full-range provider, we can provide customers with services from any part of the semiconductor value chain – we are a ´one-stop shop´ covering everything from research into new technologies and testing procedures, the development of testing methods and strategies, simulations and digital twins right through to vocational training for young talent and the training of highly qualified test engineers,” explains Fraunhofer expert Alexander Weiß as he sums up the offering.
Increasing complexity: new test routines as a driver of technological innovation
The need for new testing strategies and reliability routines is attributable to the increasing complexity of the latest semiconductor chips and electronic systems with their ever shorter innovation cycles. These are expected to pack innovative functions into an increasingly smaller amount of space while simultaneously ensuring top quality and performance. These requirements call for testing processes and reliability assessments for semiconductor components that are considerably more comprehensive than before.
The ETRC is an opportunity to develop brand-new methods and process solutions that are tailored to these needs, both on behalf of and in conjunction with customers. Moreover, by incorporating these testing procedures into the design and development phase of semiconductor innovations, it will be possible to identify weaknesses and defects at an early stage and eliminate them as part of a “zero defects” strategy. In line with the “first time right” philosophy, this will enable products to transition to series production much faster while ensuring top quality.
Testing and reliability: a unique ecosystem in Europe
The ETRC will create an unparalleled symbiosis of research and industry in Chemnitz, strengthening Saxony as a technological powerhouse, creating direct routes to minimize development times and thereby bring cutting-edge products to market more quickly, while also helping to secure the long-term sovereignty of German and European industry.
If you would also like to take advantage of the attractive range of services offered by the ETRC or collaborate with us as a ETRC partner to elevate the quality of semiconductor innovations, please contact us today.