Minapim 2018 in Manaus
The Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS, with the support of SUFRAMA, organized the MINAPIM 2018 Seminar on 3rd and 4th December in Manaus at SUFRAMA headquarters. The Minapim series (Micro and Nanotechnology and Photonics Interface to the Market) has the aim of disseminating and discussing advanced technologies, which are state of the art. »Industry 4.0« and the »Internet of Things« (IOT) were special topics at MINAPIM 2018. The event was also attended by participants from other locations, such as researchers from Chemnitz Germany, Joinville, Florianópolis and Recife.
The strength of Fraunhofer ENAS lies in the development of smart systems for various applications. These systems combine electronic components with nano and micro sensors as well as actuators, communication units and self-sufficient power supply. Furthermore, smart systems are equipped with the ability to respond to each other, to identify one another and work in consortia. Hence, they form the base for the internet of things.
The research and product portfolio covers single components, manufacturing technologies and system concepts, system integration technologies and transfers them into production. Fraunhofer ENAS offers research and development services starting from the idea, via design and technology development or realization based on established technologies up to tested prototypes. If standard components do not meet the requirements, Fraunhofer ENAS provides expert assistance in the realization of innovative and marketable products and helps to transfer them into production.
The Institute is very active in Brazil, operates an office in Manaus and has several partnerships with Brazilian entities, especially in the Manaus region.
In the scope of the event, important presentations were held, which addressed the trends of the new Society 4.0, focusing on technological, industrial and academic aspects as well as the role of public bodies linked to industry. The speakers also disclosed some of their main projects carried out in their companies and institutes. In addition, the policies and funds for Industry 4.0 were discussed. (Eu mudaria para presentations ou meetings para não ficar repetitivo)
In his talk, Mr. Ronald Dauscha, director of the Fraunhofer Liaison Office Brazil, presented the latest definitions of Industry 4.0 and its impact in Work and Learning. Prof. Thomas Otto, director of Fraunhofer ENAS, approached the concept of Industry 4.0, which already considers the user as a key factor in the production process due to 3D printing technologies. Both agreed in saying that "everything will be connected via IoT and virtually every object will thus have a CPF".
In addition to the lectures of Fraunhofer, we can also highlight the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Laboratory LSITEC of USP, represented in the event by Prof. Marcelo Zuffo, as well as the participation of Mr. Renan Bonnard from SENAI Santa Catarina and other important universities.
Two new initiatives were also announced on the occasion of the event: a three-way cooperation between Fraunhofer ENAS, the State University of Amazonas and the Federal University of Pernambuco and the relaunch of the technology magazine MTM Minapim News Technology Magazine, which will inform about the technological trends and various industry activities.
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