Fraunhofer Symposium on Smart Systems in Sendai
On October 31st, 2013 just the 9th Fraunhofer Symposium in Sendai took place. Nearly 80 participants from industry and research take part.
Within the „Sendai Micro Nano International Forum 2013“ the 9th Fraunhofer Symposium in Sendai is held on October 31st 2013. This year’s symposium is entitled smart systems. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have undergone rapid development in the last two decades, evolving from miniaturised single-function systems into increasingly complex integrated systems known as smart systems. Multidisciplinary approaches featuring devices for complex solutions and making use of shared and, increasingly, self-organizing resources are among the most ambitious challenges.
After a short welcome by Dr. Granrath (Fraunhofer Representative Office, Tokyo), Mr. Itoh (Vice Mayor of Sendai) and Mr. Nakane (Japanese ambassador in Germany), the president of the Tohoku University Prof. Satomi spoke about the fruitfullcooperation between Tohoku University and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In 2012 the Fraunhofer Project Center „NEMS/MEMS devices and manufacturing technologies at Tohoku University“ has been established. The rector of the Technische Universität Chemnitz Prof. van Zyl focused on “The role of micro and nano systems research in the context of strategic research focus of the Technische Universität Chemnitz”. Smart Systems and Materials is one of the three focus areas of the Technische Universität Chemnitz. Only two hours before the president of Tohoku University and the rector of the Technische Universität Chemnitz have signed an agreement on academic exchange between both universities.
The Fraunhofer institutes ENAS, IZM, IIS and IWU presented new developments in smart systems and advanced system integration technologies. So the director of Fraunhofer ENAS Prof. Gessner focused on resource efficient innovations and presented smart systems for monitoring power lines as well as for monitoring lightweight structures. The director of Fraunhofer IZM Prof. Lang showed latest developments in 3D wafer level packaging and interposer technology. The Fraunhofer IIS presentation by director Prof. Heuberger focused on new concepts for the design of reliable microelec-tronic systems. Prof. Schubert from Fraunhofer IWU addressed microstructured and functional surfaces for application in microfluidics and tribology.
On the Japanese side the director of the Tohoku University World Premier International Research Center Initiative – Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR) Mrs. Prof Kotani spoke about the mathematical impact on smart designs of materials. Current developments on piezoelectric devices based on MEMS technology were presented by Prof. Tanaka (Tohoku University). Together with Prof. Esashi and Prof.Gessner he is the director of the Fraunhofer Project Center.
The Fraunhofer-Symposium is organized by Fraunhofer ENAS, Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan, Sendai city and Micro System Integration Center µSIC of Tohoku University.
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