Fraunhofer ENAS was awarded the prize for best publicly funded project at the LOPE-C 2013
The project SIMS has won the prize for the best publicly funded project for the development of an diagnostic device for measuring cholesterol.
The SIMS project team, including the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS has won a prestigious international award for their research. The SIMS project was awarded the prize for best publicly funded project at the organic and printed electronics conference, LOPE-C 2013, in Munich on the 12th June 2013, which is organized by the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A).
The team has developed a revolutionary diagnostic device for measuring cholesterol by integrating printed biosensors, displays and batteries onto a flexible plastic substrate, which was demonstrated with a prototype at the conference. Andreas Willert from the Printed Functionalities department of Fraunhofer ENAS is part of part of the SIMS multidisciplinary team consisting of the University of the West of England (Coordinator), University of Liverpool, Dublin City University, Fraunhofer ENAS, Alere and VTT. The SIMS prototype effectively demonstrated execution of a measurement in a device using an integrated printed sensor, battery and display, and demonstrated levels of component integration beyond any current technology. The project is funded by the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] ICT funding scheme under grant agreement no. 257372 and receipt of this prize demonstrates the world-leading nature of the integrated printed battery being performed at Fraunhofer ENAS.
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