Researcher present their research results at the Smart Systems Integration 2015
The researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS and the Center for Microtechnologies of the Technische Universität Chemnitz show their latest results at the Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition 2015 in Copenhagen/Denmark.
he Smart Systems Integration 2015 conference and exhibition takes place on March 11 and 12, 2015, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Chair of the conference is Professor Thomas Gessner, director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS and director of the Center for Microtechnologies at the Technische Universität Chemnitz. The conference serves as international communication platform for research institutes and manufacturers in the field of smart systems integration. Researchers of the Fraunhofer ENAS and the Center for Microtechnologies (ZfM) of TU Chemnitz present their results at the conference and the accompanying exhibition.
We show at a common booth:
- ASTROSE® sensor node for condition monitoring of power lines
- Fabry-Pérot filters
- Chips, coated at the backside using self-assembling of micro and nano particles, coating supports thermal management (project HyperConnect)
- A triple stack (ASIC, MEMS and power-down interrupt generator) with Aerosol-Jet printed conductors (project CoolPod)
Additionally to the topics listed above, the scientists address carbon nanotubes for sensors as well as metallic glass for MEMS in their oral presentations. Another talk presents results of the mechanical stress induced in Si sensors caused by bonding and packaging processes. Results obtained within the BAC path of the cluster of excellence cfaed are presented at a poster.
For further information concerning the conference and exhibition please visit:
We show more information related to our exhibits at the webpage:
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