Fraunhofer ENAS presents mircospectrometer of the second generation at the HANNOVER MESSE 2013
Visitors can test directly microspectrometers at the booth of Fraunhofer ENAS C50.16 in hall 17 on the HANNOVER MESSE.
The NIR spectrometers developed by Fraunhofer ENAS have been successfully launched into the market. Now, the research institute presents a second generation MEMS spectrometer at the HANNOVER MESSE 2013. It has been developed together with TQ Systems GmbH in Chemnitz/Germany and works in the middle infrared range from 2.4 to 4.9 µm. The spectrometer scans with an accuracy of 2 nm and features a high spectral resolution of 20 nm as well as a signal-noise-ratio of 1000:1. The main applications are condition monitoring and analyses of fluids, gases and solids.
Fraunhofer ENAS presents a second microspectrometer based on Fabry-Pérot filters. The system has been commenly developed by Fraunhofer ENAS, the Center for Microtechnologies at the Chemnitz University of Technology and InfraTec GmbH in Dresden/Germany. The FPI detector can be applied in small mobile measurement and monitoring systems for analysing gases.
Researchers of Fraunhofer ENAS will present both spectrometers in the session Smart Optical Systems at the Forum Micro Technology – Innovation for Industry – in hall 17 on Tueseday, April 9, 2013). The spectrometers will be shown at the booth of Fraunhofer ENAS C50.16 in hall 17 on the IVAM Product Market.
Furthermore, Fraunhofer ENAS shows systems for condition monitoring of machines and environments as well as high-precision micro sensors.
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