
As a special type of light microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy is an analytical test method for characterizing emission properties of fluorescent materials.

In Nature fluorescence typically occurs in atoms, molecules, ions or semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots). Thereby the investigated fluorescent object is excited with a laser. The resulting fluorescence signal is collected by an infinity-corrected (Zeiss LD Plan Neofluar®, Carl Zeiss Jena) with a 63-fold magnification and a numerical aperture of 0.75. The image is recorded by an imaging spectrograph (Shamrock 303i) with a coupled thermoelectrically cooled CCD (Andor Technology, Newton CCD).

In addition sample scanning by means of piezo-nanopositioning technology can be performed, wich allows measuring spatially and time resolved spectra.  


Shamrock 303i (Spectrometer, Andor Technology)

  • Focal length: 303 mm
  • Aperture: f/4
  • resolution: 0.1 nm
  • Wavelength reproducibility: 0.05 nm
  • Gratings: 300 g/mm – Blaze 500 nm, 600 g/mm – Blaze 300 nm, 600 g/mm – Blaze 1000 nm

Camera DU920 BR-DD

  • Pixels: 1024x256
  • Wavelength range: 200 – 1100 nm
  • Max. Spectra/s: 1612
  • Dark current: 0.00007 e-/Pixel/s


  • HeNe-Laser: 633 nm, 20 mW
  • Solid state Laser: 473 nm, 5 mW


We offer the following services:

  • Spatial and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Ultraviolet spectroscopy