
ENAS-HP Inspektion.
© Fraunhofer ENAS

Wafer and semiconductor device inspections are essential for processing and ensuring the quality and reliability of our components. The inspection technologies include, among others, optical inspection, microscopy, and automated image processing systems.

In the field of inline metrology, bright-field and dark-field microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and light microscopy are preferred for wafer inspection. These methods enable the measurement and characterization of dimensions, shapes and structural properties on the micro and nanoscale.

Surface inspections allow for the identification and description of particles, defects, and other irregularities on wafers and surfaces.

Our fully automated inspection tools enable efficient, precise, and non-destructive surface inspections. High throughput rates and low error rates can be achieved, making them particularly suitable for industrial requirements. The semi-automated characterization combines our expertise with automated processes to handle complex tasks more efficiently.

Overall, our fully automated and semi-automated inspection tools offer effective solutions for industry and research.


Defect Inspections via Brightfield and Darkfield Analysis


CD-SEM - Critical Dimension Scanning Electron Microscope


AOI - Automated Optical Inspection

Light Microscopy

  • Reflected and transmitted light microscopes
  • Light microscopes for 2D and 3D imaging
  • Infrared microscope
  • And many more