Fraunhofer ENAS shows microfluidic and printed lab-on-a-chip systems at the MEDICA/COMPAMED 2013
For the first time, the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS exhibits at the COMPAMED in Dusseldorf, Germany. The institute presents point-of-care diagnostics, biocompatible packaging and differnt MEMS spectrometer on its booth no. H23.2 at the IVAM Product Market in Hall 8A.

At the COMPAMED 2013 in Dusseldorf, Fraunhofer ENAS exhibits its latest developments on medical engineering at the booth H23.2 in hall 8A from November 20 to 22, 2013. The institute presents a diagnostic device for measuring cholesterol content in the blood. The system is a joint development of Fraunhofer ENAS with the University of the West of England, the University of Liverpool, the Dublin City University, Alere and VTT in the EU project SIMS. The system integrates printed components – biosensors, displays and batteries – onto a flexible plastic substrate. The diagnostic device is powered by a printed battery. Researchers at the department Printed Functionalities at the Fraunhofer ENAS developed this battery based on a layer system of zinc and manganese dioxide. The battery is produced by screen printing. Dr. Andreas Willert will present more details of the SIMS project at the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM by IVAM on Wednesday, November 20, at 3:10 pm.
Liquid-based microfluidic systems with a high degree of integration are developed at Fraunhofer ENAS in collaboration with the Technische Universität Chemnitz and the BiFlow Systems GmbH. The aim of the work is the miniaturization of complex analyzes in biomedical, food and environmental fields. Especially fabrication technologies and costs are taken into account within a holistic development process. At the COMPAMED, Fraunhofer ENAS shows some of these point-of-care diagnostic systems – including an analysis system for detection of the tropical disease Chagas. The development of this analytical system is driven with a European -Brazilian consortium. More details will be presented by Dr. Jörg Nestler at the high-tech forum on Thursday, November 21, at 11 am.
The Fraunhofer researchers also present the ENIAC-project „Devices for NeuroControl and NeuroRehabilitation (DeNeCor)“. 22 partners from six European countries work in this project funded by EU and BMBF. They research implantable neurostimulation therapy systems that can coexist with diagnostic systems. A tool for neuromodulation therapy is developed on the German side, which is compatible with magnetic resonance imaging. This requires not only biocompatible but also an MRI -compatible encapsulation. The researchers of the Fraunhofer ENAS are working on this challenge.
In addition, the institute provides more information on other technologies of biocompatible packaging for smart implants. The integration of miniaturized sensors combined with data processing and transmission in such implants enables numerous possibilities for individualized patient monitoring.In addition, the institute provides more information on other technologies of biocompatible packaging for intelligent implants. The integration of miniaturized sensors combined with data processing and transmission in such implants opens up numerous possibilities for individualized patient monitoring.
Two different types of spectrometers are also shown for the analysis of gases, liquids and solids. The staff demonstrates the measurement of CO2 and ethanol on the spot with a micro spectrometer based on a Fabry Perot filters. The system has been commonly developed by Fraunhofer ENAS, the Center for Microtechnologies at the Chemnitz University of Technology and InfraTec GmbH in Dresden/Germany. It can be applied for analyzing gases. This small and portable spectrometer can be used e.g. for the monitoring of anesthetic gases.
A grating spectrometer has been developed together with TQ Systems GmbH in Chemnitz/Germany. It is based on micro mirrors and works in the NIR and MIR range. This spectrometer can be used for different applications like the monitoring of gases, the analysis of drugs or medicines to fecal fat measurement.
Additionally, Fraunhofer ENAS provides further information on technologies for micro and nano structuring of surfaces as well as reliability analysis with focus on stress and life time evaluation of biomedical products. These evaluations combine experiment and simulation, include accelerated tests for the thermo-mechanical aging under different environmental conditions and material characterization.
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