Joint Workshop of WPI-AIMR and Fraunhofer ENAS about »Micro Integrated Devices«

WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University and Fraunhofer ENAS start successful international collaboration since 2008 and are utilizing their respective potentials of research to develop novel practical micro/nano technologies, especially in the fields of smart systems integration and innovative material MEMS. Latest scientific results will be presented by both institutes as well as their collaborators from Japanese companies.
Date: February 22, 2013
10:00 - 10.10
Opening Remarks
Director Prof. Motoko Kotani (WPI-AIMR)
NEMS/MEMS and nanomaterial-enhanced passive components (JST-DFG Cooperative Program )
10:10 - 10.30
Heterogeneous integration of MEMS and LSI using adhesive bonding
Prof. Masayoshi Esashi (WPI-AIMR) and Prof. Shuji Tanaka (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
10:30 - 11.00
Smart Systems Integration by using Micro- and Nanotechnologies
Prof. Thomas Gessner (Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz University of Technology, WPI-AIMR)
11:00 - 11.25
Nanomaterial integrated three dimensional inductors
Dr. Yu-Ching Lin (WPI-AIMR)
11:25 - 11.50
Functional liquids within NEMS/MEMS fabrication
Mr. Felix Gabler (Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz University of Technology)
11:50 - 12.15
Wafer level bonding of heterogeneous substrates at low temperature
Mr. Jörg Frömel (Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz University of Technology, Fraunhofer Project Center at Tohoku University)
Lunch break
Functional material integration
13:30 - 14.00
[Special Speech] Dealloyed nanoporous metals for device applications
Prof. Mingwei Chen (WPI-AIMR)
14:00 - 14.30
[Guest Speech] Piezoelectric MEMS mirror with wide scan angle actuated by Nb doped PZT film
Mr. Takayuki Naono (Fujifilm Corporation)
14:30 - 14.50
MEMS switch using metallic glass thin film
Mr. Yu-Lang Chu (Fraunhofer ENAS)
14:50 - 15.10
Integration and fabrication of magnetic metallic glass for MEMS mirco-mirror system
Dr. Yao-Chuan Tsai (WPI-AIMR)
15:10 - 15.30
Fabrication of L10FePt based patterned recording media
Dr. Neelam Kaushik (WPI-AIMR)
Coffee break
Micro devices and fabrication
15:45 - 16.15
[Guest Speech] MEMS Technology challenges for RF-MEMS devices
Dr. Koichi Ikeda (Sony Corporation)
16:15 - 16.35
Integrated Tactile Sensor Device
Dr. Masanori Muroyama (WPI-AIMR)
16:35 - 16.55
Local redox cycling-based electrochemical chip device for high-throughput cell analysis
Dr. Kosuke Ino (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University)
16:55 - 17.15
Microscale technologies to fabricate muscle tissues
Dr. Samad Ahadian (WPI-AIMR)
Closing Address
Prof. Masayoshi Esashi
18:00 - 20:00