Exhibits SSI 2012

Autarkic Sensor Network for Condition Monitoring of Power Lines

The condition monitoring of power lines aims at the optimization of the capacity utilization of energy transport while guarantee hazard free operation.

Therefore real-time data is collected by online monitoring of:

  • temperature
  • inclination angle (sag) of the power line
  • electric current and
  • oscillation

Sensor node positioned on the power lines collect the data, send it to the neighboring sensor node until reaching the next transformer station. There, the data is provided in an internet-based remote maintenance system. The sensor nodes from a self organizing network structure.

The project is a cooperation between Fraunhofer ENAS, Fraunhofer IZM, Chemnitz Universityof Technology, enviaM Mitteldeutsche Energie AG, amprion GmbH, and other partners.

Fully-integrated Microfluidic Cartridges for In-vitro Diagnostics

  • Fully integrated, self-contained cartridges for in-vitro diagnostics
  • Suitable for running immono assays
  • Integrated liquid reservoirs for storing reagents
  • Low-cost pumps for integrated fluid handling
  • completely polymer-based


Fabry-Perot Interferometer

The main advantages of this Fabry-Perot interferometer are: high accuracy, very good parallelism of the reflectors even without closed-loop operation, mechanical resistance and typical micro system features: small size and light weight.

Possible applications of the IR filter are:

  • Measurement in the 3 - 5 µm and 8 - 11 µm range
  • Measurement of gas concentrations
  • Spectral Imaging

The tunable infrared filter was developed in cooperation with the InfraTec Dresden and established.

Inclination Sensors

The inclination sensors are suitable, according to the type, for one or two-channel static measurement of inclinations in the standard ranges. The output values of the inclination sensors with linearized current or voltage interface can be set as needed within their regular angle range by the customers.

The compact and robust design makes the sensor a suitable angle measurement device in rough-surroundings for different applications in industry and automotive technology. A simple configuration and start-up is possible by the CAN bus interface. All parameters are stored in the internal permanent memory.

The sensor was developed with the GEMAC - Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronikanwendungen Chemnitz mbH.

Wafer bonding

The following waferbonding technologies are applied to package sensor and actuator components as well as electronics at wafer level:

  • anodic bonding,
  • silicon direct bonding,
  • eutectic bonding,
  • metal thermo compression bonding,
  • glass frit bonding,
  • adhesive bonding,
  • laser asissted bonding.

3D integration technologies using metallized through silicon vias (TSV) could be performed additionally.