Sao Paulo, Brazil / May 19, 2015 - May 22, 2015
H1 93 / Green Hall
H1 93 / Green Hall
For the first time, Fraunhofer ENAS introduces smart systems for medical engineering at the HOSPITALAR. The institute exhibits toghether with IVAM Microtechnology at the German Pavilion in Sao Paulo/Brazil from May 19 to 22, 2015.
Fraunhofer ENAS shows lab-on-a-chip systems with integrated electrochemical pumps which are developed for example in the European-Brazilian project PodiTrodi. These systems are used as tests for point-of-care disagnositics.
Also the institute presents the WiTech system for wireless energy transmission. This technology can be used to charge implants inductive wirelessly through the skin.
The smart medical systems developed at Fraunhofer ENAS are introduced in the following presentation:
"Smart Medical Systems by Fraunhofer ENAS: Point-of-Care Diagnostics as well as Sensors, Biocompatible Packaging and Wireless Energy Transmission for Implants and Medical Device"
Maik-Julian Büker (Fraunhofer ENAS)
Thursday, May 21, 2015, 3:10-3:40 p.m.
Session „German High-tech for Medical Devices“ at the Hospitalar 2015
Location: Auditorium 1A - Parada Inglesa