Where am I?
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano SystemsTechnologie-Campus 309126 Chemnitz, Germany
Phone +49 371 45001-232
Deputy Director »ZfM«, Ombudsperson for good scientific practice acting
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENASTechnologie-Campus 309126 Chemnitz, Germany
Phone +49 371 45001-400
Deputy Director of Fraunhofer ENAS
Phone +49 371 45001-100
Head of Department »System Packaging«
Phone +49 371 45001-233
Head of Department »Micro Materials Center«
Phone +49 371 45001-421
Head of department Advanced System Engineering
Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENASWarburger Str. 10033098 Paderborn, Germany
Phone +49 5251 60-5630