Moscow, Russia / June 08, 2016 - June 09, 2016
SEMICON Russia 2016
The leading forum for microelectronics manufacturing in Russia, connecting the complete electronics supply chain
booth 7 at the Silicon Saxony Joint Booth
The leading forum for microelectronics manufacturing in Russia, connecting the complete electronics supply chain
booth 7 at the Silicon Saxony Joint Booth
Fraunhofer ENAS exhibits at the joint booth of Silicon Saxony e.V. at the SEMCION Russia from June 8 until 9, 2016.
The Fraunhofer researches present this year in Moscow among others
Oral presentation:
Wed, June 8, 2016, 11:10 am
"Tunable Micro Fabry Perot Filter for Infra-Red Gas Analysis"
Dr. Steffen Kurth, Fraunhofer ENAS
Session Industry 4.0, TechArena
Wed, June 8, 2016, 4:45 pm
"Challenges of the Internet of Things for Sensor and Actuator Applications"
Sven Haas, Center for Microtechnologies of TU Chemnitz
Session High performance MEMS for IoT, TechArena2