The 8th Fraunhofer Symposium takes place November 20th, 2012 in Sendai. It is commonly organized by Fraunhofer ENAS, the Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan and the city Sendai.
Date: November 20th, 2012
Venue: Sendai Sun Plaza
10.00 a.m. | Greetings Dr. Granrath, Fraunhofer Representative Office, Tokyo, Japan Mr. Ito, Vice Mayor of Sendai, Japan |
10.15 a.m. | With Mathematics and Materials Science collaborations Prof. Kotani, Director of WPI-AMIR, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan |
10.45 a.m. | The role of micro and nano systems research in the context of the strategic research focus of the Technical University Chemnitz Prof. van Zyl, Rector of Technical University Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany |
11.15 a.m. | Open collaboration for MEMS development in Tohoku University Prof. Esashi, Professor at WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University Sendai, Japan |
11.45 a.m. | Smart systems for a better life Prof. Gessner, Director of Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz, Germany |
12.15 a.m. | Future Challenges for Electronic Design Automation Dr. Schneider, Devision Director of Fraunhofer IIS/EAS Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
12.45 a.m. | lunch |
2.00 p.m. | Photonic Smart systems: New Opportunities for Smart System Integration Dr. Scholles, Fraunhofer IPMS, Dresden, Germany |
2.25 p.m. | Hybrid materials for micro systems technology Dr. Popall, Fraunhofer ISC, Wuerzburg, Germany |
2.50 p.m. | Numerical Simulation and Virtual Material Design Dr. Hamaekers, Fraunhofer SCAI Germany |
3.15 p.m. | Japanese-German collaboration between WPI-AIMR and Fraunhofer ENAS in the field of innovative material MEMS Prof. Lin, WPI-AIMR, Sendai, Japan |
3.40 p.m. | Fraunhofer Project Center Sendai J. Froemel, Fraunhofer ENAS, Sendai, Japan |
3.50 p.m. | Closing remarks |
4.00 p.m. | break |
4.30 p.m. | presentations by AIST |
6.00 p.m. | reception |