International Offices

Representantive Office in China

The Representative Office in China evaluates and develops the Chinese market for Fraunhofer ENAS and our German industrial partners. We are able to provide a qualified partner for research and development services for our prospective partners in China.



Shi Min
Phone +86 21 6875 8536 ext. 1632
Fax +86-21 6875 8573 ext. 5632
Representation Office Fraunhofer ENAS
Gopher Center, 757 Mengzi Road, Puxi, Huangpu District
Shanghai 200023
P. R. China


Representative Office in Brazil

The Representative Office in Brazil develops the local market for Fraunhofer ENAS. We would like to intensify the cooperation with local research centers. Because we are locally represented we are a qualified partner for research and development services for our prospective partners.


Representative Office in Japan

In Japan, Fraunhofer ENAS is being represented by the Fraunhofer-Office in Tokyo.