Berlin/Germany / May 20, 2014 - May 24, 2014
ILA 2014
Hall 6
Hall 6
The Fraunhofer ENAS presents with other institutes at the joint booth of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Hall 6.
The institute exhibits a Morphing Wing, which was developed together with Fraunhofer IFAM, CIRA and the University of Napoli. In addition to the Synthetic Jet Actuator and the Pulsed Jet Actuator also an Antennendemonstrator and a SUPA demonstrator will be shown.
Another highlight is the wind tunnel model (flap), which was developed together with INCAS. The model is part of a flap configuration of a wing, which was used for the tests developed in the frame of Clean Sky Synthetic jet actuators.
Furthermore, a fully integrated Microfluidic Cartridges is presented. The cartridge can be used for fast and user-friendly diagnosis of various pathogens on the spot. It is a cost effective and universal diagnostic platform.