The Smart Systems Integration Conference 2013 takes place March 13th and 14 th, 2013, in Amsterdam. It is second time collocated with the European Executive Congress of MEMS Industry group.
Main topics of SSI 2013:
- Smart systems for automotive applications / green car and aeronautics
- Smart medtech systems and systems for prognostics health management
- Smart systems in logistics and security applications
- Smart power, smart grids and smart networks
- Cyber physical systems, smart communication, self-sufficient sensor networks
- Manufacturing technologies for smart integrated system
- Design of smart systems, component design, design for reliability
- Micro and nano systems / embedded systems
- Advanced micro and nano technologies
- New materials, nano structures and devices
- Roll to roll technologies, printed functionalities
- 3D integration and interconnect technologies
- System integration and packaging
- Test and reliability of components and systems
Late abstracts can be submitted until October 28th, 2012.
For more information please visit: home.htm
You can also contact the onference-Chair:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Geßner
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gessner
Conference Chair, Fraunhofer ENAS
Paris Charles de Gaulle 2+3
10:45 - 11:10
"Advances in Reliability Research by Means of Crack Avoidance Strategy"
Prof. Bernd Michel, Fraunhofer ENAS
London Heathrow 6
11:35 - 12:00
"Low temperature wafer bonding technology for RF based MEMS devices"
Marco Haubold, Fraunhofer ENAS
London Heathrow 3
12:00 - 12:25
"Wafer-level technology for piezoresistive electro-mechanical transducer based on Carbon Nanotubes"
Dr. Sascha Hermann, Fraunhofer ENAS
London Heathrow 6
14:45 - 15:10
"Vertical Integration techniques for MEMS devices using high-AR TSV"
Lutz Hofmann, Fraunhofer ENAS
London Heathrow 3
"Picosecond Laser Micromachining in the context of MEMS/NEMS applications"
Tom Enderlein, Chemnitz University of Technology
"Actuator net design for morphing wing structure"
André Gratias, Fraunhofer ENAS
"Studies on the piezoresistive effect in MOS transistors for use in integrated MEMS sensors"
Sven Haas, Chemnitz University of Technology
"System Design of Double Wall Synthetic Jet Actuators"
Mathias Lipowski, Fraunhofer ENAS
"Influence of DMSO and MWCNTs addition on the thermoelectric properties of PEDOT:PSS Thin Films"
Jinji Luo, Chemnitz University of Technology
"Laterally stracked organic devices fabricated by trench technology"
Dr. Danny Reuter, Chemnitz University of Technology
"Package Characterization with Stress Chip Measurement for Health Monitoring"
Florian Schindler-Saefkow, Fraunhofer ENAS
"Joint Technology Initiative Clean Sky - Aims for greener Aviation"
Martin Schüller, Fraunhofer ENAS
"Optimization of MEMS/NEMS for reliable resonance frequencies"
Chris Stöckel, Fraunhofer ENAS
"Adaped printed battery development for driving a smart miniaturised cholesterol sensing system"
Dr. Andreas Willert, Fraunhofer ENAS