Thomas Gessner Award

Prize for excellent scientific thesis in the field of Smart Systems Integration: Thomas Gessner Award

The Thomas Gessner Award is a contribution of Fraunhofer ENAS to promote applied research by awarding a prize for excellent scientific work at the annual Smart Systems Integration Conference. The award is aimed at national and international master and PhD students in the field of Smart Systems Integration, whose thesis is at least assessed as “very good” and does not date back more than two years. The evaluation process considers in particular:

  • The novelty of the scientific and methodical approach,
  • Advance of knowledge,
  • Implementation of the scientific results into the application and proof of economic success,
  • Internationality.

The prize committee reflects the aspirations of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft to support applied research and to ensure that scientific results are put into practical applications. In addition, it also reflects on the broad range of research activities in the field of Smart Systems Integration within Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The Thomas Gessner Award is endowed with a prize money of 1.500 euros. Furthermore, the winner is invited to attend the Conference for free. Neither the institute’s management nor members of the prize committee are eligible for the award. Also, scientific works that have already been awarded a scientific prize with a prize money of more than 20.000 euros are excluded from participating. Applicants for the Thomas Gessner Award are required to submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Summary of Master or PhD thesis in english language
  • Master or PhD thesis
  • Recommendation letter written in englisch
  • Proof of grading as at least “very good”

Interested scientists are invited to submit their documents in digital form until March 8, 2024 to:


Further details and information concerning the Smart Systems Integration Conference & Exhibition: